AUGUST 4th and 5th 2021
IX Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies
Join us for two events celebrating media and communication scholarship in Brazil and the U.S.
AUGUST 4th 2021
IX Brazil-U.S. Colloquium on Communication Studies
Zoom webinar (no registration necessary):
Brasilia Standard Time (BST): 15:00-20:00
All times on the 4th are in BST: Check your time zone here:
AUGUST 5th 2021
Zoom webinar (no registration necessary):
Central Time
The Brazil-US Colloquium has been held since 2004 thanks to Intercom.
Please also see the events on the Intercom site here
Events are free and open to the virtual public thanks to our generous sponsors:
Participants: Submit an abstract of your research for publication using the form here.
Short abstracts due: November 1, 2021
Full papers due: April 2022
(BST 15:00-16:00 and PST 11:00-12:00)
Welcome and Opening Remarks by Sonia Virginia Moreira and Laura Robinson
Panel Chair: Sonia Virginia Moreira
“Local and regional journalism in the interior of Brazil: context of development, status of researches and emerging themes” by Jacqueline da Silva Deolindo
“International Reporting in Journalism Education: New Types of Correspondents, New Ways of Training” by Antonio Brasil and Marcus Kreutler
“Journalistic ethics in the face of news produced by Artificial Intelligence by Maria José Baldessar and Regina Zandomênico
“Collaborative journalism: reshaping the way that we do journalism” by Lucia Mesquita, Gabriela Gruszynski Sanseverino, Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos, and Giuliander Carpes
“On the Role of Redundancy in the Popularization of Science: Analysis of Brazilian Journalistic Texts on Covid-19” by Margarethe Born Steinberger-Elias
(16:00-17:00 BST and PST 12:00-13:00)
Panel Chair: Laura Robinson
“Hegemonic crisis, the rise of the far right and political parallelism: TV Globo and TV Record in the 2018 presidential elections” by Mauro Porto, Daniela Neves, and Barbara Lima
“Bolsonaro and Trump: an analysis between their social media in presidential campaigns Brazil and the US considering the perspective of agenda setting” by Élida Borges R. Gomes and Tatiana M. Reis
“Online participation of left-wing activists in Brazil: Cultural events as a cement to mobilization and networked protest” by Julien Figeac, Nathalie Paton, Angelina Peralva, Arthur Coelho Bezerra, Guillaume Cabanac, Héloïse Prévost, Pierre Ratinaud, Tristan Salord
“Venezuelans, Haitians, and Indigenous Refugees in Brazil: An Analysis of Refugee Crisis, Brazilian Media, and Policies” by Adriano Pistorelo, Michelle Angelo-Rocha, and Luisa da Costa
“A Year of Risk: COVID-19 and Exposure Risk Profiles" by Laura Robinson
(17:30-18:30 BST and 13:30-14:30 PST)
Panel Chair: Barbara Baptista
“Small internet providers as agents for internalizing the digital infrastructure in Brazil” by Sonia Virginia Moreira, Nélia Del Bianco, and Cézar F. Martins
“Video Games, Diversity and Gender: The audience’s impact on academic studies in a parallel between Brazil and the United States” by Beatriz Blanco, Julia Stateri, and Lucas Goulart
“Raça in the Music of Milton Nascimento: An Analsyis of Milton’s Voice in Missa Does Quilombos” by John R. Baldwin, Phil Chidester
(BST 18:30-19:45; PST 14:30-15:45)
Panel Chair: Juliana Maria (da Silva) Trammel
“Afro Brazilian Netizen: The Use of Twitter as a Magnifying Glass for Black Brazilians’ Racial Issues in the Postmodern Era” by Juliana Maria (da Silva) Trammel
“Netflix Originals + Brazilian YouTube creators: A reframing of the imaginary national community” by Gabriela Monteiro Lunardi
“Memes: The Dynamics and Image Paths” by Renata Lohmann and Ana Taís Martins P. Barros
“Communication and tourism research in Brazil and the United States (2000-2019) ” by Clóvis Reis and Yanet María R. Barrios
“In the field in Brazil and the USA: indications about ethnographic doing in Communication” by Aline Maia
“The Use of Mobile Devices in the School of Life” by Eduarda F. Monteiro and Vera Valdemarin
“Illusions of Racial Progress in Brazilian and U.S. Television Narratives: Refashioning Mixed and Black Female Visibility Onscreen” by Jasmine Maria Mitchell
(BST 19:45-20:00; PST 15:45-16:00)
Closing Remarks by Sonia Virginia Moreira and Laura Robinson
Forthcoming Volumes and Future Publication Opportunities with ESMC
AUGUST 5th 2021
For more information on the event, see:
Invited Panel: Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies
(15:00-16:50 CENTRAL TIME)
Chairs: Sonia Virginia Moreira and Laura Robinson
“The Future of Cinema Production and Exhibition: Streaming x Theatrical” by José R Bonavita
"Telenovelas and Transformation - Saving Brazil´s Television Industry" by Rosane Svartman and Felipe Muanis
"Misinformation, propaganda and power in darkness times or How the young Harold Lasswell could help to understand communication strategies in the elections (and governments) of Trump and Bolsonaro" by Edgard Rebouças
“Publishers’ shift to a ‘reader-centric strategy’ in Brazilian Journalism: A real attempt to improve relationships with subscribers/members?” by Giuliander Carpes and Lívia Vieira
“Black Women’s Representation in Brazilian Media and Journalism” by Karyn Mota
“Hey Brazil! Sexualized Labels Created in Your Own Home Impact Brazilian Women of Color Across the Americas” by Michelle Angelo-Rocha and Luisa da Costa
Selected Highlights from Presenters
Michelle Angelo-Rocha
University of South Florida
Michelle Angelo-Rocha is a Brazilian doctoral candidate in the Educational Leadership & Policy Studies program at the University of South Florida (USF). She earned her Master’s degree in Latin America and Caribbean Studies with a concentration in Sociology and Human Rights at USF, and Journalism at the Universidade Católica de Brasília. Michelle’s research agenda focuses on social justice issues such as immigration, human trafficking, femicide, indigenous education in Brazil, multilingual education in the U.S, decolonization, and media analysis. Her study efforts are on underprivileged Latinx immigrant families in the U.S. and Latin America. Michelle is co-editor of the book Making a Spectacle: Examining Curriculum and Pedagogy as Recovery from Political Trauma, and host of the program Our Stories.
Yanet María R. Barrios
University of Blumenau (FURB) SC/Brazil
Ph.D. student in Regional Development, University of Blumenau, SC/Brazil. MSc in Regional Development (PPGDR/FURB). Graduated in Social Communication, University of Havana, Cuba. Specialist in Advertising and Tourism Marketing. Member of the Regional Media Studies Research Group (FURB). CAPES Fellow.
Beatriz Blanco
Unisinos (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos) and Centro Universitário Senac São Paulo.
Beatriz Blanco is a PhD student in Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil, where she is researching feminist activism in the Brazilian video game industry. She also works as a coordinating Professor at Digital Games and Multimedia Production Undergraduate Programs at Centro Universitário Senac São Paulo.
José R Bonavita
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
PhD, Professor and Researcher at Nucleo de Marketing, Escola de Comunicação UFRJ. Teacher of Advertising Film, and Video for Social Media Laboratories.
Élida Borges R. Gomes
MSc in Communications (Universidade Católica de Brasília - UCB), MBA in Marketing (Universidade de São Paulo - USP). Professor at Centro Universitário Projeção.
Antonio Brasil
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism (EBI) at TU Dortmund University
Antonio Brasil is a veteran journalist and a Research Fellow of the Erich-Brost Institute forInternational Journalism at TU-Dortmund, Germany. He was Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Assistant Professor in the Department of Journalism at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Visiting Professor/Scholar in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers, the University of the State of New Jersey and Visiting Professor in the Media Department at the University of Applied Sciences in Offenburg, Germany.His doctoral dissertation in Information Science for the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro discussed online digital TV News Archives and his Master Degree in Social Anthropology was awarded by The London School of Economics. He started as a journalist for TV Globo in 1973, the leading Brazilian television network, and was assigned to work as a journalist in London in 1976 covering important international news events in many countries. Back in 1982, Antonio Brasil was assigned as Latin America bureau chief for international television News Agencies like UPITN and WTN. His work included award-winning international television news coverage, live broadcasting and production of television documentaries for international television networks like ABC News, ITN, RAI, and CBC among others. he established Rio Cine Video, one of the first Brazilian video productions houses specialized in national and international news coverage. In 2004 Brasil was awarded an Educator in the Newsroom Fellowship by the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation (RTNDF) in which he goes to a television newsroom for four weeks over the summer to refresh his newsroom skills and study what kinds of new technologies are currently being used. Also, in 2004 was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award by the Department of Journalism and Media Studies in the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies at Rutgers University. In 2012 he was awarded the first prize in the CNN International contest for University Journalism. He was also the winner of the national prizes for best university TV newscasts EXPOCOM promoted by INTERCOM, the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication in 1994 and 1996 with Estacio no Ar and 2016 and 2017 with TJ UFSC; the daily live newscast of Santa Catarina Federal University. In 2002, he was awarded the Luiz Beltrao Prize for Innovative Project Groups also by INTERCOM. He has been invited as guest speakers in numerous international events and is the author of refereed academic articles on Journalism, New Media Studies, Brazilian and Latin American issues. Brasil has published books like “Manual do correspondente internacional na era digital”, “Telejornalismo imaginário”, "Inovação no futuro do jornalismo”, Telejornalismo, Internet e Guerrilha Tecnologica” among others. Antonio Brasil is currently film, television and new media critic for "Observatorio da Imprensa", a leading journalistic web publication in Brazil at
Phil Chidester
Phil Chidester (Ph.D. 2004, University of Kansas) is associate professor in the School of Communication at Illinois State University. His research focuses on the expression of identity in popular culture media texts. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in media effects, myth, the rhetoric of song, sports communication, intercultural communication and the psychology of language. He has also organized and leads a developing student and faculty exchange program with the Universidade Federal de Ceara' in Fortaleza, Brazil. A past participant in the Brazil-US Colloquium, Phil has turned his research attention in recent years to studies of Brazilian popular song, publishing and presenting works at various conferences on the Tropicalia movement and on the development and rhetorical significance of forro'.
Lucas Goulart
Lucas Goulart is an independent researcher. He has received a bachelor degree in psychology at Universidade Federal do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) and a Master degree and PhD in Critical Social and Institutional Psychology at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). His research interests include gender and sexuality, queer studies and critical game studies.
Marcus Kreutler
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism at TU Dortmund University
Marcus Kreutler is a trained journalist, PhD candidate and researcher at Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism. He has coordinated two comparative international research projects for the European Journalism Observatory, into news coverage of the Ukraine conflict and of migration. Currently involved in the EU Horizon 2020 MEDIAdelcom project on deliberative communication. His main research interests are international and transnational communication and foreign reporting.
Barbara Lima
Universidade Federal de São Carlos / Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar)
PhD in Political Sciences, Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar). Researcher in political communication (media, elections and political parties).
Gabriela Monteiro Lunardi
Digital Media Research Centre (Queensland University of Technology)
PhD candidate at the DMRC. I have completed an MPhil degree in 2018 at the same institution and a bachelor’s degree in communication (advertising) in 2013 at PUC-RS (Brazil). My research is focused on Brazilian culture on the internet.
Aline Maia
Centro Universitário Estácio Juiz de Fora - MG
Aline Maia is a Brazillian PhD in Communication (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). She is a Professor and coordinator of the Communication Courses at Centro Universitário Estácio Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Journalist, author of articles and book chapters, and the book "Rabisca e Publica: juventudes e estratégias de visibilidade social e midiática" (Ed. Appris, 2020). She develops research on communication, journalism, social and media representations, visibility, and youth.
Jasmine Maria Mitchell
State University of New York-Old Westbury
Dr. Jasmine Mitchell is Associate Professor of American Studies and Media Studies at the State University of New York-Old Westbury. She is the author of Imagining the Mulatta: Blackness in U.S. and Brazilian Media (University of Illinois Press 2020). Her scholarly specialties include mixed-race and gender representation in popular culture, connections between African-Americans and Afro-Brazilians, Black feminisms, and race and sports.
Lucia Mesquita
Dublin City University, Ireland
PhD candidate and an Early Stage Researcher | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Dublin City University. Also part of JOLT - Harnessing Digital and Data Technology for Journalism, a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network
Eduarda F. Monteiro
Universidade de Araraquara
PHD in Education,UNESP- Rio Claro, Master in Communication from UNESP- Bauru, Public Relations from UNESP- Bauru. Professor and coordinator of the Publicity and Propaganda Course at UNIARA. Head of the Department of Human and Social Sciences at UNIARA-University Of Araraquara- SP
Sonia Virgínia Moreira is a journalist, researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, professor of the Graduate Program in Communication at the Rio de Janeiro State University, and PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo. She is member of the Steering Committee of the Worlds Journalism Education Council- WJEC (2019-present), member of the Board of Trustees of The Brazilian Association for Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication (2014-present), vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (2013-2017); Board member-at-large of the International Communication Association (2012-2015).
Felipe Muanis
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora / Universidade Federal do Ceará
Felipe Muanis is Associate Professor of Cinema and Television at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora and at Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. He was a Visiting Professor at Germany's Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2015-2016) and Universität Paderborn (2010). Coordinator of the International Master in Audiovisual and Cinema Studies (IMACS) at UFJF. He leads the research group Entelas: research group in transmedia content, convergence of cultures and screens at UFJF. He published the books Convergências Audiovisuais: linguagens e dispositivos (2020); Perspectivas do audiovisual contemporâneo: urgências, conteúdos, espaços (2009, editor), A imagem televisiva: autorreferência, temporalidade, imersão (2018); Audiovisual e Mundialização: Televisão e Cinema (2014).
Clóvis Reis
University of Blumenau (FURB) SC/Brazil
Ph.D. in Communication, University of Navarra (Spain). Professor of the Postgraduate Program (Ph.D. and MSc) in Regional Development, and of the Communication Program at University of Blumenau, SC/Brazil. Coordinator of the Regional Media Studies Research Group (FURB).
Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos
University of Navarra, Spain
Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos is a researcher at the University of Navarra, Spain, under the JOLT project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020. Previously, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He researches changing journalistic practice with a particular focus on business models, data, and novel technologies. He is co-editor of the book “Journalism, Data and Technology in Latin America” published by Palgrave Macmillan in May 2021.
Julia Stateri
Senac (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial) Campinas
Postdoctoral researcher in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design at PUC São Paulo, PhD in Visual Arts by UNICAMP, Master in Education, Art and History of Culture by Mackenzie, Julia Stateri is coordinator of the postgraduate course in Games Development at Senac of Campinas. Founder of Oficina Lúdica, a small company dedicated to the realization of game focused cultural projects fostered by private initiatives and culture incentive laws.
Margarethe Born Steinberger-Elias
Federal University of the ABC (UFABC)
Margarethe Steinberger is Associate Professor in the Center for Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences at Federal University of the ABC (UFABC), São Paulo. Her PhD in Communication and Semiotics for Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) set up brazilian theoretical foundations for the study of latin-american international journalism. Her Master Degree in Letras-Linguistics for Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) proposed a linguistic automated method to calculate journalistic texts readability. Margarethe Born was Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Communication at PUC-RJ, Assistant Professor and Head of Journalistic Communication Department at PUC-SP and Lehrmitarbeiterin in Latin America Institute at Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB). Her research areas are Journalistic Discourse Analysis, Semiotics of multimodal communication, Corpus Linguistics and Natural Language Processing focused on corpora analysis of scientific and journalistic texts. Member of the Information Engineering and Science Teaching post-graduate programs at UFABC, in earlier career Margarethe Born founded the Graduate Program in Journalistic Communication at PUC-SP and supervised more than forty research works focusing on journalistic discourse networks in specific domains. As journalist, she worked for Manchete, Pais & Filhos, Folha da Tarde, and Folha de São Paulo, among others, being assigned as international correspondent of Folha de S.Paulo in Berlin to cover german reunification after the Mauer Fall. She performed editorial activities at PUC-SP and at UFABC, and published academic articles and books like Media Geopolitical Discourses: journalism and international imagination in Latin America by Fapesp and Educ Editora da PUCSP.
Juliana Maria (da Silva) Trammel
Savannah State University
Dr. Juliana Maria (da Silva) Trammel is a tenured and full professor of strategic communication and chair of the Department of Journalism & Mass Communications at Savannah State University. Her research interest includes the intersection of gender, media, race and ethnicity, and human communication. She is also an intercultural scholar with studies conducted in Brazil and the United States. Her most recent publications include a book chapter titled “The Lan-House Phenomenon: Exploring the uses and symbolic functions of the Internet among the low-income Brazilian youth”, published in “Mediated Millennials” by Emerald Press (2020) and “Color Privileges, Humor, and Dialogues: Theorizing How People of African Descent in Brazil Communicatively Manage Racial Teasing and Sense of Self” by Palgrave/Macmillan Press (2018). She earned a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from Howard University, an MA in Public Communication from American University, and a BA in Broadcast and Print Journalism from Rust College. She was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Vera Valdemarin
Vera Teresa Valdemarin:Graduated in Pedagogy from UNESP (1980); Master in Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (1986); Ph.D. in Education from the University of São Paulo (1994) and Full Professor from UNESP (2001). She is an associate professor in the Department of Education at the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Araraquara / UNESP and in the Graduate Program in Education of the Biosciences Institute of Rio Claro / UNESP. He has a scholarship in the CNPq Research Productivity modality (2). He has experience in teaching and research in the field of education with an emphasis on Philosophy and History of Education and the following themes: school culture, philosophical concepts of Brazilian education, philosophical foundations of teaching methods, and teacher training.ORCID:
Thanks so much to our program committee assistant members: Barbara Baptista and JD Worcester.
Publication Partnership with ESMC
The Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies is partnering with Emerald Studies in Media and Communications though an initiative led by Sonia Virginia Moreira (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil) that capitalizes on her leadership of Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação sponsored by Intercom. Publications will examine all aspects of communication, media, literature, history, and journalism across the Americas.
Two volumes are forthcoming that highlight scholarship from the 2020 Colloquium that was to have been held at UT Austin, Texas (USA) and the 2018 Colloquium held in Joinville Santa Catarina (BRAZIL). They are entitled: "Geo Spaces of Communication: Research on Journalism, Media, and Digital Technologies" and"Creating Culture Through Media, Communications, Literature, Culture, and History." Editorial team members include Sonia Virginia Moreira, John Baldwin, Laura Robinson, Juliana Trammel, Joe Straubhaar, and Jeremy Schulz.
Future volumes will continue to be published in tandem with Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação sponsored by Intercom.
Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies 2004-2021
IX Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2021 Virtual Event Sponsored by Santa Clara University and ESMC
Organizers: Sonia Virginia Moreira and Laura Robinson
VIII Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2018 Intercom, Joinville, Brasil
Organizers: Sonia Virginia Moreira and Laura Robinson
VII Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2016 Emerson College, Boston, USA
Organizers: Samantha Joyce, Raul Reis, and Sonia Virginia Moreira
VI Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2014 Intercom, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil
Organizers: Sonia Virginia Moreira and Samantha Joyce
V Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2012 Illinois State University & DePaul University, Chicago, USA
Organizers: John Baldwin and Sonia Virginia Moreira
IV Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2010 Intercom, Caxais do Sul, Brasil
Organizers: Sonia Virginia Moreira and John Baldwin
III Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2008 Tulane University
Organizers: Vikki Mayer and Sonia Virginia Moreira
II Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2005 Intercom, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Organizers: Sonia Virginia Moreira and Vikki Mayer
I Colóquio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Estudos da Comunicação
2004 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA
Organizers: Joe Straubhaar and Sonia Virginia Moreira